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Our Ethos & Values

St Nicholas C of E Primary and Nursery School Vision


“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” Psalm 52:8


St Nicholas C of E VA Primary and Nursery School takes its inspiration from Psalm 52 verse 8 which is attributed to King David.


Our Christian Vision is strongly rooted within the Christian narrative of Psalm 52 verse 8 but also the teachings of Jesus Christ and the parable of the sower- Matthew 13:1-13

 As part of God’s faithful and fruitful family, we start as seeds, and from our roots in learning, loving and living we branch out and grow into flourishing trees. The seeds need fertile soil to take root, grow and flourish.

Through nurturing and motivation, we will be a school community that seeks to unlock the hidden treasure in each child.  As we strive to shape confident, creative and independent learners, who embrace Christian values and grow in God’s light. We will learn and grow together, tackling life’s challenges, and celebrating everyone’s achievements; as we shape responsible, compassionate and inspirational members of society.


St Nicholas C of E Primary and Nursery School is the fertile soil which enables all members of the school community to grow.


Our school moto is Learning, loving, living in God’s family.